Violin Group Lessons

Lesson Plans(60 minutes)
2 lessons per month | ¥5500 |
3 or 4 lessons per month | ¥9000 |
We offer group lessons for children of all ages, provided that there are enough students of similar ages and levels. Group lessons are only available for children already enrolled in our private lessons.
What are the advantages of taking violin group lessons in addition to private lessons?
Group lessons are an efficient way to review previously learned pieces and skills
While new techniques and pieces are best learned in a private lesson, reviewing pieces is much more fun with a group. While in a private lesson students can focus on technical proficiency, group lessons allow students to practice performing without overthinking the details.
Group lessons are a more fun way to learn music theory, practice ear training, and learn the names of the parts of the violin, etc.
Learning the names of notes, rhythms, intervals, circles of fifths, parts of the violin, etc. are all great opportunities for game-based activities. These activities are a fun and active break from playing, and teaching them in group class frees up more private lesson time for individualized teaching.
Students are more engaged when reviewing scales and drills
While there is no alternative to scales and exercises, students of all ages often find these repetitive and uninteresting. Playing the same exercises in a group setting usually increases engagement, and thus allows students to focus better and practice longer, resulting in more enjoyable and faster progress.
Students can practice performing in front of people, as well as listening to their friends perform
Over the course of their lives students will be involved in many performances, both on stage and in the audience. It is important for students to get used to being on stage, but it is equally important (especially for younger students) to learn to quietly watch friends perform. Having live performance practice in class also gives students the opportunity to practice post-performance etiquette (humility about your own playing, supporting your friends regardless of playing ability, etc.).
Having friends who play the violin makes learning more fun and makes children more invested
Music is ultimately meant to be played with other people, and having friends to play with often increases students' motivation. This makes group lessons especially important for beginners and students who are too young to join orchestras or other organized groups.
Additionally, students often have different strengths, and many times bringing these students together allows them to not only help each other address their individual weaknesses, but also praise each other for their strengths.
Students can learn how different musical voices work together to create harmony
Students will at first struggle with their friends playing different melodies or rhythms, but over time they will start to identify musical patterns and gain an innate sense for how music fits together. This will allow students to better understand their own music as they progress through more complex pieces.