Nishinomiya International Violin Studio

At Nishinomiya International Violin Studio, we focus on building strong fundamentals, creating a beautiful sound, and creating opportunities to play with others. Our lessons are tailored to each individual student and we work to develop a deep love of music in all of our students.

Scroll down to see our selection of courses!


Course List

Other Information

Lessons in English

All of our courses are available in English! These lessons are a great resource for students who don't understand Japanese as well as for those who simply want to improve their English while learning violin.

Violin Rentals

For parents who don't wish to buy every size of violin, or who would prefer to rent rather than buy, we have rental violins available! Please check this page to see our list of currently available sizes.


Please see this page if you have questions about our lessons, trial lessons, or learning violin in general.